10 Fashion Accessories and Clothes That Can Hurt Your Health

The fashion industry is not always kind to our health! And unfortunately, the most fashionable pieces are often the most painful. What are these fashion accessories that hurt us?

1. Slim jeans

Wearing tight pants can cause your legs to swell and compress nerves.

Australian doctors first gave the alert in 2015 after a woman was transported to the hospital, unable to walk, after spending time squatting in skinny jeans.

The combination of wearing skinny jeans and the prolonged squatting position caused the blood flow to be interrupted in her calves, causing them to swell and damage the nerves. The young woman had to wait four days before regaining the use of her legs.

"Slim" and especially "skinny" pants can also cause fungus and aggravate eczema in people who are subject to either condition.

2. High heels

High heels and especially those with pointed ends are painful, that, everyone knows!

But that's not their only problem. Indeed, a study from the University of North Carolina has shown that prolonged wearing of high heels can lead to muscle weakness in the ankles, leading to damage and instability in the legs and back.

High heels are also guilty of causing hallux valgus (sometimes called bunions) a painful foot condition.

3. Shoes which are too flat

Like high heels, shoes which are too flat also hurt us!

Indeed, they offer no support which leads to pain in the heel, deformation of the toes claw, the appearance of hallux valgus, corns and finally causes pain in the pelvis or neck.

Be sure to wear good comfortable shoes especially when you have to walk a lot.

4. Thong underwear

The thong has become a little less fashionable in recent years, and that's good!

According to the Medical Daily, women prone to urinary and vaginal infections are more likely to experience them when wearing thong underwear.

In addition, they are likely to cause small cuts, inviting bacteria.

It is advisable to wear lingerie made of cotton, which lets the skin breathe.

5. Corsets

Women were thought to have been freed from this instrument of torture, but it has reappeared among fashion accessories in recent years for its slimming effect. But at what cost ?

Wearing a corset for too long can degrade the skin and even injure vital organs such as the liver, kidneys and spleen, which can lead to difficult breathing.

6. Flip flops

They are found in all colors and styles, flip flops are among the key accessories of the holidays.

However, these shoes are not suitable for everyday wear, because they provide no support and change the way we walk, since we curl our toes so as not to lose them.

In addition, a study conducted by the University of Miami for the news site Today in 2009 showed that a pair of flip flops was home to more than 18,000 bacteria, including staphylococcus aureus.

7. High waist trousers

The high-waisted trousers, an iconic piece from the 80s and 90s, are back in fashion recently. And yet it is not without danger!

In fact, high-waisted pants or shorts put pressure on the abdomen, which can cause heartburn, irregular breathing and weaken the abdominal muscles.

8. Heavy earrings

They're pretty but they can also permanently damage our earlobes by spreading them.

Not to mention cheap jewelry is responsible for many allergies.

9. Large, well-filled handbags

There are many women who love big handbags to be able to carry "all their life" in!

But wearing or carrying these things every day is not without consequences for our health since it can cause severe pain in the shoulder and back.

10. Cheap clothes

Who says cheap clothes equal cost reduction…

In addition to the human cost (poor working conditions) and environmental (clothes produced on the other side of the world) there is also a health cost!

Indeed, a 2012 Greenpeace report detailed the toxic chemicals used in about twenty fashion store chains. It reveals that many chemicals used to dye clothing contain endocrine disruptors and compounds suspected of causing cancer.

In addition, these chemicals can cause irritation and allergies.

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