10 Natural Tips Against the Stuffy Nose

A stuffy nose that runs, that stings and complicates your nights? Check out these miracle grandmother's remedies to relieve that stuffy nose and finally breathe!

Caused by inflammation of the nasal cavities and sinuses, the stuffy nose disrupts our daily life. We sneeze, we sniffle and when we finally get to sleep… we snore! To overcome this nose that tires us, here are 10 natural methods to clear it.

1. Inhalations with steam

Against the stuffy nose, nothing is more effective than inhaling steam.

For even faster results, you can dilute drops of essential oil in boiling water. Breathe in plants such as peppermint, eucalyptus (one of the best nasal congestion remedies) or thyme.

Place yourself on top of the bowl for 10 minutes, with a towel over your head to prevent the steam from escaping. Repeat this operation 3 to 4 times a day.

2. The lemon juice

Lemon, rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, is a precious ally against colds. A few drops of lemon juice in your nose, and voila!

Dilute the lemon with a little water and spray this spray mixture into your nasal cavity.

3. Drink water, tea and herbal tea

Hydration helps to thin the mucus and reduce the pressure in the sinuses. Drinking water, tea or herbal tea, will help to clear your nose.

Ginger with a little honey and lemon, this tea will relieve your stuffy nose.

You can also alternate with herbal tea with thyme, which proves to be a very good respiratory disinfectant. Plants such as chamomile, wild thyme, peppermint or rosemary leaves are also known to be effective against congestions.

Infuse these plants in hot water for ten minutes, and add honey if your cold is accompanied by a sore throat. You can drink 3 cups a day.

4. Garlic cloves

Enemy number 1 of the breath, but best friend of the stuffy nose! Because of its smell and taste, eating garlic opens the sinuses! In soup, crushed or whole, eating cloves of garlic will allow you to facilitate the flow of mucus and decongest your nose.

5. The tomato juice

Drinking hot tomato juice twice a day, with a little lemon and a tablespoon of minced garlic is a natural and effective remedy for soothing the stuffy nose.

6. Mustard oil

For immediate results, soak cotton in mustard oil and breathe. By its composition in myrosine and sinigrine, the mustard will help to thin the mucus (secretion which flows from the nose) and to facilitate its evacuation.

In a short time, you will discover the effects on your nostrils that will be quickly uncorked.

7. The hot water compresses

The heat is an essential ally to unblock the nasal passages, the steam helping to decongest the mucous membranes.

Lie down, and place a hot compress on your sinuses leaving your nostrils free.

Repeat this experiment as many times as necessary.

8. Salt water

Antibacterial, salt water cleans and relieves irritation. If you do not have a solution on hand, you can compose it yourself.

Put a few drops in one nostril, then turn your head to bring out the water on the other side.

9. Apple cider vinegar and honey

For instant relief from nasal congestion, pour 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and a tablespoon of honey into a glass of warm water.

To drink one to three times a day.

10. Peel an onion

Ultimate method, peeling an onion is not only for the purpose of making you get tears in the eyes: it will de-clutter your nose very quickly.

To feel the effects, peel and cut an onion, and inhale the fumes for 5 minutes.

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